IKEA Case Study

IKEA Case Study

As one of the world’s largest retailers of home furnishing products, IKEA relies on Mood for professional installation and service of critical audio system components and Background Music at their 30+ North America locations. Mood also provides similar services to...
Jersey Mike’s

Jersey Mike’s

About Jersey Mike’s This nationally acclaimed sandwich franchise started back in 1956 as a quaint sub shop in the booming beach town of Point Pleasant, NJ. Appeasing the appetites of hungry vacationers with their signature giant subs, Jersey Mike’s quickly...


MOOD+PRIMARK The young, fast-fashion brand, Primark, needed creative visual content to highlight single items of their big and fast evolving collections.  The challenge: finding a technical solution adapted to the large scale of their shops, which would not detract...
Barbour International

Barbour International

MOOD+Barbour International When the world’s leading sportswear and sporting goods company NIKE approached us, they had a specific goal in mind: reinforcing the young and dynamic brand DNA throughout their major European retail and flagship stores.Mood started off with...


MOOD+BEN SHERMAN От създаването си през 1963-та година марката Ben Sherman е импрегнирана в историята на британската модна индустрия и дори се превръща в синоним на една от най-значителните младежки субкултури – “The Moods”. Различният начин на...